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Step Ups

Purchase required to enroll
8 - 17 years old | Invitation only class

Term 2
Tuesday 29 April to Sunday 22 June

Tuesday 4:00pm-6:30 pm
Sunday 1:30pm-4:30pm

Students who can commit to two sessions per week are invited to join the Step Ups Performance group. They perform in a variety of locations and venues, appropriate to their performance and skill level. Past seasons include: Brisbane Festival, Anywhere Theatre Festival, and the G20 Cultural Opening among many others.

Fees: Steps Ups Performance fees are approximately $630 per term (varies depending on the length of the term). This includes a discount subsidy of around 50%. Flipside provides this subsidy because we believe in providing opportunities for young artists to excel in training and in performance.

Signing up after the term has started?
Welcome to join the class anytime, you will be charged only for the remaining classes in the term, plus a $10 administration fee.
To book your space fill this form: https://www.flipsidecircus.org.au/enrol-now/

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