Explore Circus Thursday
$310 per class
Purchase required to enroll
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7-12 years old
• Group behaviour skills
• Coordination and gross motor skills
• Postural control
• Confidence
• Body awareness
• Strength and flexibility
This class is delivered by circus trainers who have specific training and experience in teaching circus for young people with autism.
Term 2
Thursday 24 April to Thursday 26 June (10 weeks)
Explore Circus is a circus class for children on the autism spectrum. Students will explore a wide range of circus skills including trapeze, aerial silks, tumbling, juggling, hula hoops, and more. This class provides an inclusive and supportive environment that allows students to participate at their own pace and skill level.
• Group behaviour skills
• Coordination and gross motor skills
• Postural control
• Confidence
• Body awareness
• Strength and flexibility
This class is delivered by circus trainers who have specific training and experience in teaching circus for young people with autism.
Signing up after the term has started?
Welcome to join the class anytime, you will be charged only for the remaining classes in the term, plus a $10 administration fee.
To book your space fill this form: