Adults Inter-Adv Aerials Thursday
17+ years old
Thursday 24 April to Thursday 26 June (10 weeks)
Why let the kids have all the fun? This class will suit those adults that have a reasonable level of fitness and have experience in aerial apparatus.
Under the guidance of professional circus trainers, the mixed aerials class starts with warm-up, stretching and group activities, moving on to strength and conditioning work that will get your heart pumping, all the while working on developing a variety of aerial circus skills.
All circus activities are scalable to suit individual fitness levels and goals.
Signing up after the term has started?
Welcome to join the class anytime, you will be charged only for the remaining classes in the term, plus a $10 administration fee.
To book your space fill this form:
Missed a class?
Make-up classes are available. Terms and conditions apply.
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